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Horse Solarium

A brief introduction to Waterproof Horse Solariums

Infrared horse solariums are widely acknowledged as highly advantageous to the equestrian world with proven welfare benefits. Our waterproof horse solarium options provide your horse with the perfect way to warm up or warm down. The instant heat of infrared lamps eliminates warm up time. Immediately drying your horse or simply allowing it stay warm and comfortable.


Horses, unlike people, possess large numbers of photo-receptors in their retinas giving them enhanced vision in low lighting. The sheer size of a horse/ponies eyes also aids their light gathering ability.

Recent research has gone so far as to suggest that a “head-shaking” horse could be a photic headshaker. Such horses are sensitive to light so shake their heads to relieve resulting nose twitch/itch. In such a situation Low Glare infrared heating in your horse solarium provides enormous benefits as the low glare heat soothes.

2012 Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Peter Charles with Shadow Horse Solarium
Read about Peter Charles

Equestrian Pack (A)

Shadow Horse Solarium Pack (A) - 3kW Ultra Low Glare Heat + Soft-start Time Lag Switch

more info
  • Infrared Therapeutic Heat
  • Ultra Low Glare - The more subtle heating experience for your horse
  • Fully Waterproof
  • Also available with 4kW of heat output.
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Horse Solarium Pack (F)

Shadow Horse Solarium Pack (F) - 4.0kW of Ultra Low Glare Heat + Controller

more info
  • Infrared Therapeutic Heat
  • Ultra Low Glare - The more subtle heating experience for your horse
  • Fully Waterproof IP65 rated
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Equestrian Pack (B)

Shadow Horse Solarium Pack (B) - 4.5kW Ultra Low Glare Heat + Soft-start Time Lag Switch

more info
  • Infrared Therapeutic Heat
  • Ultra Low Glare - The more subtle heating experience for your horse
  • Fully Waterproof IP65 rated
  • Soft start time lag controller
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Equestrian Pack (C)

Shadow Equestrian Heater Pack (C) - 6kW Ultra Low Glare Heat + Soft-start Time Lag Switch

more info
  • 6kW of Infrared Therapeutic Heat
  • Ultra Low Glare - The more subtle heating experience for your horse
  • Fully Waterproof IP65 rated
  • Soft start time lag controller
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Shadow Equestrian Infrared Heater 4kW Black

Shadow Professional Equestrian Heater Pack (D) - 4kW Ultra Low Glare Heating + Variable Controller

more info
  • Infrared Therapeutic Heat
  • Ultra Low Glare - The more subtle heating experience for your horse
  • Fully Waterproof IP65 rated
  • Variable controller with 10 heat settings
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Shadow Equestrian Infrared Heater 6kW Black

Shadow Professional Equestrian Heater Pack (E) - 6kW Ultra Low Glare Heat + Variable Heater Controller

more info
  • 6kW of Infrared Therapeutic Heat
  • Ultra Low Glare - The more subtle heating experience for your horse
  • Fully Waterproof IP65 rated
  • Soft start time lag controller
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Graph of infrared heat sources
professional recommended layout

Why invest in a waterproof horse solarium?

Horse solariums are widely acknowledged in the equestrian world as being highly beneficial to horses, with many proven health benefits. Our waterproof horse solarium heaters provide your horse with the perfect way to warm up, warm down, dry off or simply remain comfortable.

Read on to learn more about our equestrian heating solutions.

Stable heaters to soothe sensitive eyes

Unlike people, horses possess large numbers of photoreceptors in their retinas that give them enhanced vision, even in low lighting. This, combined with the sheer size of a horse’s eyes, makes them very sensitive to light.

Horses with photic headshaking syndrome – a condition which causes them to continually jerk and swing their heads – are so irritated by excessive light that they even develop nasal itching and excessive sneezing, making them erratic and virtually unrideable.

Low-glare stable heaters are beneficial because they emit 80% less light inside your horse solarium, so they’re more soothing to the horse’s eyes. This makes them vital for the wellbeing of animals, handlers and riders.

Heat Outdoors solarium heaters offer the perfect way to provide a full horse solarium in the space you already have avaiable. Our quality IP rated infrared heaters can be positioned in any stable or wash area. Providing a high quality horse solarium without needing a dedicated building or worrying about water damage.

Infrared light is nothing like harmful ultra-violet waves and horses cannot ‘tan’ or be harmed in any way from Heat Outdoors products. Furthermore there are no fumes or odours meaning horses grow to appreciate and seek their comfort as they are turned on due to the fact the heat feels completely natural and comfortable. Infrared therapy is identical to the feel of warm sunshine but in the comfort of the solarium.

Heat Outdoors equestrian heaters are completely water and dust proof as well as easy to install. The amazingly low running costs mean your solarium doesn't have to cost a small fortune.

Watch the video below to find out more...

Low Glare Infrared solarium heating improves blood circulation through a ’vasodliatory response’ whereby biochemical compounds are transported around the horses body more quickly aiding digestion and increasing the flow of blood to organs. This in turn speeds up the dispersion of lactic acid through the horse and increases the flow of blood to reproductive organs which is believed to increase fertility in both mares and stallions. By warming horses before exercise the danger of muscle strain is greatly reduced as horses are not starting exercise with cold muscles whilst also shorten the time needed warming up before riding. Horses tense and cold muscles are prone to strain and unnecessary stress which can all be avoided with infrared stable heating. Moreover injured and unwell horses will particularly reap the rewards of infrared heating whilst they are recovering and also provides comfort to older horses.

Infrared solarium heating has long been acknowledged as a healing and comforting heat source for horses and ponies. Heat Outdoors has enhanced that heat source and developed Low Glare infrared lamps to promote equestrian well being. Infrared heating will warm your horses’ muscles prior to exercise. They therefore reduce the risk of injury. Low Glare lamps help to heal any muscular injur.They enable your horse or pony to relax after exercise. The gentle low glare lamp provides an ambient glow which assists in soothing your horse. Heat Outdoors has put together a range of packages to suit your solarium needs and requirements. Please call us to discuss the options available and which one best suits your needs.

Low Glare Comparison

Clipping. The clipping process removes your horse or ponies coat and vital oils used to keep them warm. This can be most uncomfortable during the colder months. Our equestrian infrared horse solarium solutions provide instant warmth. Your horse can relax during the entire clipping process whatever the weather and especially when they are wet after the wash down, ensuring their comfort throughout the entire process.

Grooming and tacking up. Warming up before strenuous exercise is essential to protect muscles from strain because warm muscles work better. There is no healthier way to protect your horse than to provide it with instant heat before being ridden. Warming down after exercise is just as important especially after a good sweat has been worked up. With Heat Outdoors equestrian options you can groom and tack up in complete warmth and comfort. At the flick of a switch, whatever the weather – instant heat. Horses (and riders) really benefit from being properly warmed up before exercise. Your horse will relax and enjoy getting ready and so will you!

Drying. Just flick the switch and instant heat like the rays of the sun. Completely controllable and incredibly comfortable. Your horse or pony will dry even in the coldest of weather – even outdoors! No effort or stress, just give him some hay to chew on and make yourself a cup tea. Drying has never been so easy.

Rug and tack drying. Hang your rugs and anything else in front of an infrared heater. You have the perfect dryer no matter how cold it is outside. Costing under 90p per hour to run, your rugs (numnahs, stable rubbers, tail bandages, dogs and Barbours) will be dry in no time.

Muscle Relaxation. We all know that heat is an excellent healer and often used in physiotherapy. The infrared rays of our heaters is readily absorbed into muscle tissue, where it stimulates blood circulation and aids rapid repair. The perfect equine solarium with versatility and functionality. You can work on your horse under the lamps whilst they do their work in complete comfort. Horses and ponies can enjoy the benefit of infrared warmth for prolonged periods, whereas the outdated and cumbersome equine solariums that are presently available have very limited use. The turn of a dial or even using remote control. We offer a comprehensive range of heater controllers that can regulate the heat output and provide the perfect level of warmth in any conditions inside or out.

Foaling and Wellness. The comfort and warmth provided by our equine solutions is ideal for foaling. The soft but effective light also allows discrete observation after dark, which is when so many mares prefer to foal so harsh conventional lighting is not needed to see what is going on.
Sick and injured animals also appreciate the added comfort of infrared heat that is so similar to the warmth provided by the sun aiding rapid convalescence and improved healing. According to Philips “the benefits of this form of heat therapy are based on locally enhanced blood circulation in the skin, caused by vasodilatory response. It has also been shown to speed the healing of non-infected wounds, in many cases providing rapid and effective pain relief. It has also been found to accelerate the healing of eczemas and saddle sores, and help clear sinus congestion.”

Show preparation. For those of us who show ponies and horses, or enter them into competitions such as show jumping, our equine solutions are a real boon; They help accelerate the natural moulting process, minimizing the stage in-between. Horses or ponies dried under our infrared heaters produce smoother, glossier coats. The natural oils in the coat are stimulated by the heat. Plaiting is much easier too and you wont suffer from frozen fingers while working with damp manes and tails.



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